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Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District

Agency History

Historical Notes

In 2023, during the 88th Legislature, Senate Bill 1659 removed the Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District from Sunset review.

Next Review Date: None

  • Last Review Cycle: 2022-2023 Review Cycle - 88th Legislative Session

Sunset Documents for 2022-2023 Review Cycle, 88th Legislative Session

Legislative Documents

Final Results of Last Sunset Review

In 1989, the Legislature created the Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District (BCRAGD) as a hybrid entity, granting the authority of a groundwater conservation district and transferring to BCRAGD the authority and functions of the preexisting Bandera County River Authority. During its review of the Bandera County River Authority and Groundwater District, the Sunset Commission determined the Legislature did not legally merge the two entities or abolish the river authority. As a result, BCRAGD took over the river authority’s functions while the BCRA became a defunct entity without a governing body, funding, staff, or programs. Following the commission’s recommendation, Senate Bill 1659 removes the defunct river authority from Sunset review. Separately, the Legislature passed House Bill 3731, which merges the groundwater district and the river authority and codifies its authority.

Removal From Sunset Review
  • Remove the Bandera County River Authority from Sunset Review.
River Authority Uniformity 
  • Direct Sunset staff to study administrative operations and structure across all Texas river authorities during the 2024-25 review cycle and make recommendations to the 89th Legislature regarding options to create uniformity across all river authorities that ensure each authority effectively represents its geographic river basin while also maintaining efficient administrative operations. This study would be based on past Sunset river authority reviews and is not expected to involve Sunset having to request new documents from river authorities. (Management action — nonstatutory)