This agency is currently inactive. An agency can be labeled inactive if it has been abolished, had a title change, was merged into a different agency or split into different agencies. See Agency History on the right for further information.
Next Review Date: None
Last Review Cycle: 2004-2005 Review Cycle - 79th Legislative Session
Sunset Documents for 2004-2005 Review Cycle, 79th Legislative Session
Summary of Results (Jul 2005)
Staff Report (Nov 2004)
Self-Evaluation Report (Aug 2001)
Legislative Documents
Senate Bill 418 (Jul 2005)
Final Results of Last Sunset Review
Senate Bill 418 as introduced contained all of the Sunset Commission’s recommendations on SBEC. The recommendations included continuing SBEC for 12 years; expanding SBOE’s authority over SBEC rule proposals and improving stakeholder involvement in rule development; improving SBEC’s process of conducting criminal history checks of prospective educators; and ensuring timely resolution of disciplinary investigations. The Sunset Commission also recommended providing SBEC authority to approve teaching permits, issue certification waivers, and certify educational diagnosticians.
The Senate Committee on Government Organization reported Senate Bill 418 favorably without amendment to the full Senate. The Senate did not bring up the bill for consideration and as a result Senate Bill 418 did not pass. The House did not consider the companion Sunset bill, House Bill 1633.
However, separate legislation continued SBEC’s policy board but transferred its staff functions to TEA. House Bill 1116 continued SBEC indefinitely by removing the agency from separate Sunset review. The bill also repealed the statutory executive director position and required TEA to carry out the Board’s administrative functions and services. As a result, SBEC’s policy board will continue to propose rules to SBOE and issue final disciplinary orders, and TEA staff will carry out the day-to-day operations and educator certification duties.