
Next Review Date: 2026-2027 Review Cycle - 90th Legislative Session
Last Review Cycle: 2022-2023 Review Cycle - 88th Legislative Session
Sunset Documents for 2022-2023 Review Cycle, 88th Legislative Session
Staff Report with Final Results (Jun 2023)
Self-Evaluation Report (Sep 2021)
Legislative Documents
Senate Bill 1424 (May 2023)
Final Results of Last Sunset Review
- Continue the Texas State Soil and Water Conservation Board (TSSWCB) for 12 years and remove the Sunset date of the agency’s enabling statute, with a limited scope re-review during the 2026-27 biennium to assess TSSWCB’s dam structural repair program.
- Continue the Texas Invasive Species Coordinating Committee, require it to be reviewed at the same time as TSSWCB, and modify statute to better align with the committee’s current needs.
Grant Programs
- Require TSSWCB to develop and adopt one clear set of overall priorities, goals, and measures for the dam structural repair program; update the “Ten-Year Plan;” and ensure the local match requirement for state-funded dam upgrades and state-funded dam repairs equitably accounts for the financial capacity of local sponsors and high-hazard dams.
- Direct TSSWCB to establish and update its policies for administering the dam structural repair program by January 1, 2023. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Direct TSSWCB to maintain a centralized master file system for dam structural repair grants and implement it by January 1, 2023. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Direct the TSSWCB board to approve all grants and contracts over $1 million and implement this change by January 1, 2023. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Direct TSSWCB to proactively inform dam sponsors and co-sponsors about dam structural repair funding availability and implement this change by January 1, 2023. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Direct TSSWCB to include, within its current annual report, its funding activities related to dam safety grants and outreach, nonpoint source pollution grants, and activities and programs related to on-the-ground conservation. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Direct TSSWCB to develop a board member recusal policy, including a written explanation for the recusal. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Direct TSSWCB to improve its district director training, including providing a training manual the directors would have to attest to receiving and reviewing annually. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Update the standard across-the-board requirements related to board member training, separation of duties of board members and staff, and complaints.
- Direct TSSWCB to adopt a policy guiding its rule review process. (Management action — nonstatutory)
- Direct TSSWCB to recertify its records retention schedule and develop a records retention policy. (Management action — nonstatutory)